晚会将在体育馆以一个简短的演讲开始. 然后, 家长们会跟随他们的学生,去每个班级和老师见面. 这是另一个很好的机会来认识我们的家长支持小组,并学习如何参与.
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欢迎来到2024-25学年! 这份清单提供了必要的返校信息,帮助你和你的家人在开学的第一天做好准备.
呼叫所有1-18岁的孩子! 查看免费午餐的地点和时间.
Celebrating the Class of 2024; graduation details; Important health information; 体育运动 update; SUN Bucks and more.
2024-25 Budget update; start times survey; new student enrollment; 健康 & 健身博览会
家庭 Survey; 科学 Teacher of the Year; STEM in Action; Thank you to volunteers!
Literacy goals exceeded; School-based health center opens; Dual Language kindergarten; Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
Celebrating education support staff; Robotics teams unite; 大学 fair for students; Upcoming family events
Bond and levy work begins; Student and staff awards; Event for preschool-aged kids; Student opportunities and more
感谢选民参与埃德蒙兹学区特别选举. 初步计票结果显示,债券和征税都通过了.
Enroll in the 埃德蒙兹 School 区; Dual Language Program; Report cards available in Skyward next week; student awards galore
Welcome to Kindergarten Fair; Snow make-up days; Meadowdale小学 update; report cards coming soon to Skyward.
家庭 Tech Night; Special Education family events; staff spotlight; internships and scholarships.
Welcome to Kindergarten Fair; School performance reports; 学生 of the Month; 工作人员 Spotlight
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Engage in your student's learning; Your feedback matters; 埃德蒙兹 Preschool!
We're hiring; National Principals Month; Recreation and Resource Fair
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让我们为秋季做好准备,提醒学生信息, 沟通, 运输, 学校供餐, 学生健康, 秋季运动和地区手册.